
Old News

Ambition Free will be on tour this spring. Rumor has it, they might have some special guests with them. Keep checking our site and theirs for details. Nothing's written in stone yet. ;)

Well I updated the website. Poor Lenore is breaking up. Thats that. I know, you all really don't care, but if you want to see our last two shows, they are as follows. June 7th - Holy Name of Mary Church in Croton. We will be performing with Ambition Free, Underrated, T.J. Lazer, No Name Charlies, Blue Sausage and possibly Nobody's Heroes. On June 8th, we will be playing an outdoor festival at Wildside in Rye. Sadly, I have no clue who's playing this gig. I'll keep you all updated as things develop. I say that as if anyone on earth is reading this thing. Well, anyway, I guess I just want to thank those who have supported us in our year of existence, I know I had fun, and I hope you all did.

Wow...its really weird that I have to post this news on April Fools Day..but its not a joke...what follows..I swear is the truth...come June 14th, our record release party with Ambition Free will actually be our last with our good friend and drummer, John Brady...this is an amicable departure...we love John come hell or highwater...he's leaving because his parents are moving to Rhinebeck, NY (90+ minutes north of Croton) and truth be told, John doesn't really enjoy playing the drums anymore. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors..which by the way, if you haven't heard his side project (now full time I guess) Dead for really owe to yourself to give it a listen...I rank it among my favorite albums from the past few years, and I can't wait to see what springs forth from John's amazingly creative mind in the future. If you are, or you know a drummer, please email us at and express your interest...but believe've got some shoes to fill...all those interested should give our mp3s a listen and learn them...and you should have interest in playing in a diverse and extremely original rock band with influences stemming from punk, rock, emo, metal, folk and any other kind of music you can hear in our past work. This is not the end by any means necessary but the next few months will be very bittersweet and very a drummer, you also should be ready to play and rock out...lots of shows and ruling the world are expecting in our future....we'll keep all you fans and friends posted....until then, enjoy these last few shows with our good friend John...I will and I know Jim will


HAPPY EASTER!!! I saw the Reunion Show, the Technicalities, The Sex Machines, Bigwig and the Getaway...then we (jim, georgann and the members of AF) snuck into the Toasters next door. That was friday night....The Reunion Show is the greatest thing since sliced bread....go look them up here and tell them to take us on tour with them...Ambition Free too. So its looking like we'll have a bunch of shows in a little while...we're playing at our good friend Debbie's birthday party with Ambition Free a week from parents come home from the Bahamas today (lucky bastards) we're also having our record release party with Ambition Free on June 14th at the Holy Name of Mary Church in stay tuned its gonna kick the words of steve e. d'onofrio...when in doubt, give us a show, give AF a show, buy me a moog synth, and if you're in another band...hire Mike Cinelli to take photos for you

In today's news, Evan turns 19...Jim still owes him a gift....

We played at Crannell Street went really well...handed out some business cards, sold some merch...hung was great! Errortype11 was amazing, as was When Dreams Die (who says you need a bass player to be metal as fuck? not i)...Joshua was really good...and Dropspirit was really fantastic...great musicians..great guys to chill with...thanks again to Juan for putting us on that bill and to the gentlemen of Ambition Free for introducing us to Juan...we had a lot of fun..hopefully you'll see us back there soon! And maybe next time.......some of you will come? Hugs and Kisses everyone...its my birthday tomorrow...send me money and guitars (or a record deal?)

Jim has tickets to good boys and girls and buy all of them please? Oh and tomorrow is Wench #3, Minogue's birthday....HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUE!!!

2.26.02 (7:47am) hey.....its a very groggy tired Evan....well, we have some amazing news. We just got offered a show late last night and are taking it. We'll be playing March 8th at Club Crannell Street in Poughkeepsie, NY with Errortype 11, Joshua, When Dreams Die and Drop Spirit. WE NEED TO SELL OUR 50 TICKETS!!!! Jim will have these soon, so quit your bitching and go buy one and support us...its my birthday that weekend (and 2 days after minogue's) so you have to go buy tickets instead of presents for us....DO IT. I think that's it, wow am I ever tired.....

Jim updated our Message Board to new and improved status courtesy of EzBoards....Jim rocks!!!!

BIOS SECTION UPDATED...John has a bio now!!!

LYRICS SECTION HAS BEEN UPDATED....i was bored i added the lyrics to "up the dark sky" cause i had them on my computer and i know a lot of people enjoy the song....i'll be posting an essay i wrote on UTDS (for a University Writing Seminar) sometime by the end of this week....depending on my grade......please join our message us...for those of you who do support us...much love!!! I'm gonna be home (and John will too...) this coming weekend, the 15th...but Jim's gonna be kicking it in the sorry kiddies we couldn't pull off any PL shows....but hopefully sometime in late March/early April...we're trying to pull off a show at the Masonic Lodge...if certain people *cough jim cough* simply ask certain people *cough pete scheck* to ask their friends to let us use the venue.....if it happens we'll be asking bands like Ambition Free, Double Standard, Morgan Storm and others to support us....we're also working on 2 shows at Wildside in in May one in June....we'll see...there's also talk of Crannell St. and the well as our psuedo tour this summer.....we'll keep you posted....much love!! ~E

k...i'll keep this brief...don't wanna piss anyone off by shitting on everyone with my intolerable comments...
we're really happy with everyone's attendance and support at our two shows at the Black Cow and at the Hen Hud Battle of the Bands. If you don't know, we came in second right behind the amazing Ambition Free. We were very pleased that we placed, and we'd like to thank all the other bands that participated and all the people that came...a big thanks to our fans and friends who truly made that Hen Hud show a joy to play...I don't speak for John or Jim (and would you want me to? I think not) but the fact that people even recognized our names made me proud to do what I do. On top of that, I can honestly tell you that when you sang Mary along with us, I was moved in ways inexpressible via words. The guestbook is gone for now, but please, don't hold back in your feelings, just showcase them on our messageboard...we appreciate all the support.
We've completed 4 songs. Mary, Rewind, Up the Dark Sky and Nights Not About a Friend all made it to our release, simply entitled "Poor Lenore: the e.p." as soon as I get it together, I'll ship home a case of them for all you people to pick up a copy. But if you can't stand can download two of those songs for your perusal via the main page of our site. If you're still not satisfied, I do suggest you buy Dead for Christmas' new release "Winter of Whisper". This gorgeous piece of music comes directly from the amazing mind of our drummer John. If you don't buy it, well then lets just say you've missed out, its amazing, and I'd hold it up with any of my favorite albums.
Evan's back at Brandeis for round 2, John is up at Bard. Jim's still in Croton, but the lucky bastard will be kickin' it in jolly old england in a few weeks, send him off with a party and a hearty handshake from me, sorry to say I won't be home to see him go. We hope to finish the full length come April and have a subsequent record release party for all you friends and fans.
And try to be patient, we're sorry that education has gotten in the way of us playing for you, hopefully we'll be back come summer better than ever with shows whereever and whenever, hell we'll play your house if you want...anything to make you guys happy.
There...I've said my peace...blast me on the guestbook if you want...a big thank you to all our friends and fans, especially to the wenches (Emily, Minogue and Gail) to all our friends playing their hearts out and to anyone else who feels they deserve thanks...if you don't feel that you've gotten the respect you deserve from us...well then in the words of the amazing, talented, spectacular and ravishing Minogue...."I owe you a cookie" ~Evan

Time to get all you peeples up to speed....we played at Wildside in Rye yesterday. We had a good show. Granted, we had to cut our set down and rush through some songs. Granted, we didn't get much respect from the other bands. And maybe we didn't get paid as much as we were expecting...but it was a great experience nonetheless. As Jim put it "hey, we got our name out there" we got some great feedback and I really want to thank Debbie for helping us get on the show, and Jen for running such a great place like Wildside. I'd also like to thank Your Day Strong for lending us their gear and sticking around to hear us play. Hey...if it was supposed to be limos and packed houses right now...we wouldn't love it as much....hopefully the next time we play Wildside (if they'll let us *fingers crossed*) people will recognize our name...and we'll be somewhere in the middle of the bill. In future show news:
This Saturday the 12th of January, Hen Hud High School, Montrose, NY...THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS, featuring Trust and Ambition'd have to be stupid not to come
And as a tentative show...January 18th at the Arch Street Teen Center in Greenwich, CT...its a WTC benefit show run by Stolen Chair records...we gotta clear our schedules for it....
thats all for now...our record is almost done...more pictures both from the studio (aka Jim's basement) and shots from Wildside will be up soon!